
Stormfront or SJW?

Orange Impostor4/30/2015 11:17:52 pm PDT

Oh please.
Comparing SJWs to neo-Nazis is just beyond stupid. Until you can point me to a single instance where the Social Justice crowd advocates the mass purging of an ethnic, racial, or religious group, or of those of a particular sexual orientation, then the argument being made is a total non-starter.

Stormfronters advocate the removal by any means possible of all non-whites and subjugation of everyone they consider “lesser”, all in the name of the “preservation of the white race”. They openly advocate fascism. Never mind the fact that the whole “Social Justice Warrior” pejorative was coined by the far right to malign anyone who they perceived as having non-discriminatory viewpoints.

And KiTA, by admitting your support of GamerGaters, I would assume that you also support MRAs like Roosh Vorek and Paul Elam, (both of whom have entries on the SPLC) and support the stalking and harassment (up to, and including violent rape) of women who dare to speak their opinion that you might happen to disagree with. Because those very things are openly advocated by the GG crowd.

I will say it in no uncertain terms. The rank-and-file GamerGaters are some of the slimiest people I have had the misfortune of interacting with.