
An Awesome New Song From Banda Magda: "Coração"

Citizen K6/17/2017 12:56:55 pm PDT

Someone saying ‘fuck’ never hurt anything except sensibilities. Taking away or impeding someone’s access to health care by fiat explicitly hurts people directly.

So fuck that noise about being ‘concerned’ a politician used ‘Fuck’ or ‘Shit’ in their language. If they’re using obscene insults such as ‘bitch’ or the ever famous n-word, THAT’S obscene, yes. But if you’re telling me that you dismiss someone’s concern over the abomination of a bill down the pipe because they used ‘fuck’ in an official capacity, then fuck off. Your callousness is more obscene than the fact that I used ‘fuck’ a grand total of 6 times in this post.