
Just Another Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week of Gun Violence | Full Frontal on TBS

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/09/2019 11:27:48 pm PDT

Expanding your vocabulary, to cover the nature of what we’re seeing from the know-nothings around the world:

Brexit: UK ignores hard evidence as no-deal looms large

As the Office for National Statistics reveals the UK’s GDP fell in the second quarter of the year, it feels like such evidence no longer matters to some politicians.

Mumpsimus is a word that has almost entirely fallen out of use, but which lexicographer Susie Dent has suggested could be brought back into modern-day parlance. It means “someone who sticks obstinately to their beliefs, in spite of clear evidence that they are wrong,” she tweeted last year.


Mumpsimus… Trumpsimus…

It works.