
The SFJFF Hosts Cindy Corrie (Rachel Corrie's Mother)

Last Mohican7/19/2009 8:00:59 am PDT

re: #1 Shr_Nfr

I agree, and I’m starting to find this practice extremely annoying. There’s a whole group of reflexive down-dingers on LGF, the most prolific of whom seems to be rob.schmitt, who seem to just read the title of a link and then reflexively down-ding it because they disapprove of the idea.

I’ve begged these people to stop doing this. Sometimes, the whole point of a link is to help us all to learn about something that we don’t like. But my sense is that the rob.schmitt’s of LGF aren’t reading my comments, or any comments. They may not even be clicking the links. I think they may be using LGF for no other purpose than to spend a tenth of a second updinging or downdinging each link, in order to express their opinions about stuff.

This practice is detrimental to the site. It suppresses our ability to learn about concerning developments that interest many of us. I’m really starting to think that such people ought to have their dinging privileges revoked.