
"Hellish heatwave" in Pakistan sets hottest temperature in Asia's history, 53.5°C (128.3°F); in India, hundreds die, dea

Interesting Times6/20/2010 8:49:13 pm PDT

re: #1 lostlakehiker

I would bet that I could so survive walking around in mid-day heat of 130, given adequate water and suitable clothing, and that so could most adults and adolescents.

This reminds me of a statement made by Phillipe Cousteau Jr in a recent interview - when asked if the “oceans could take any more”, he replied that no, they couldn’t, and then drew the following analogy: if you lose both legs, an arm, and an eye, yes, you can certainly “survive” - but your quality of life is severely diminished. Along those lines, yes, you’re correct that certain people could technically “survive” in 130-degree heat, but for how long, and with what kind of “quality of life”?