
Pamela Geller Screws up on Halal. Big Time.

Bob Levin10/16/2010 9:57:22 pm PDT

Thanks for this—regardless of Pam, these are actually the kind of informative essays and discussions I think we need to have.

I’ll make one little point regarding the difference between Halal and Kosher, and it ends up making quite a difference in terms of religious law.

The method of cutting is identical, both methods require drainage of blood, and the only crucial difference is that Jews do not require a blessing before each cut.

Kosher slaughter must be done in only one cut. Now, whether shochets do this is another issue. But that’s how it is supposed to go. The knife must be extremely sharp, so much so that the animal is not aware of the cut. So, from the point of view of the animal (and this point of view counts), the animal simply falls asleep.

Let me ask this, just to make sure—Muslims can eat shellfish? Do you differentiate Halal (I don’t know the terms) fish and non-Halal fish? And if so, what differentiates Charlie Tuna from Mr. Krabs? Besides Herschel Bernardi was the voice of Charlie and Clancy Brown is the voice of Krabs?