
What Happened When I Yelled Back at the 'Christians' Calling My Wife a Murderer

Donna Ballard10/28/2010 4:11:27 pm PDT

Good for him! I’m very proud of him for standing up to those people and a lot more people should be doing the same. We have friends that absolutely believe that a woman has no right to her own body and what happens to it when it comes to pregnancy. They seem to feel that they have the right to say what happens in a woman’s body is their right to judge. What ever happened to the right to make your own decision regarding your own body? No one protests it if a man decides to have a vasectomy, think of all the potential baby’s they’re killing. But you don’t hear anybody protesting that now do you? Hypocrites! Those women should be ashamed of themselves. Good story SB, well done. Keep up the good work.