
New rules: there are some things you are not allowed not to say anymore

CuriousLurker12/18/2010 4:37:21 pm PST
What kind of person criticizes the last words of a dying woman like that?

People who are 100% convinced they are right. Because they believe they’re always right, and being right trumps compassion and common courtesy.

How can it be “wrong” to criticize or insult someone when you’re perched in such a lofty place and have exclusive access to The Truth™? After all, you’re just doing it for the poor slob’s own good, and if he (or she) would just pull his head out long enough to notice, he’d be thankful for the enlightenment.

I’ve experienced this nastiness from all sides: Atheists, Christians, Jews, Salafis, secular Muslims, you name it. It obviously works for politics too, or anything really.

Trying to walk a middle path and stay balanced isn’t for wusses. At one point or another everyone ends up pissed off at you.