
Will Le Pen's National Front join the rest of the European fascist parties in supporting Israel?

Killgore Trout1/07/2011 5:11:46 pm PST

Here’s a section that didn’t make it in my post about the recent visit to Israel from Eurofascist “Pro Israel” parties….

Several of your senior colleagues on the European far right visited Israel recently, invited by the settlers and groups on the Israeli far right. What is your opinion of this alliance?

“The shared concern about radical Islam explains the relationship … but it is possible that behind it is also the need of the visitors from Europe to change their image in their countries … As far as their partners in Israel are concerned, I myself don’t understand the idea of continuing to develop the settlements. I consider it a political mistake and would like to make it clear in this context that we must have the right to criticize the policy of the State of Israel - just as we are allowed to criticize any sovereign country - without it being considered anti-Semitism. After all, the National Front has always been Zionistic and always defended Israel’s right to exist.

She does take issue with the settlements but still considers FN to be a Zionist party.