
GOPers Demand Sean Duffy Salary Tape Be Pulled From The Internet

Prononymous, rogue demon hunter3/30/2011 10:40:21 pm PDT
I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt than all of you. With 6 kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I’m living high on the hog, I’ve got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now. Would it be easier for me if I get more paychecks? Maybe, but at this point I’m not living high on the hog.

Well there is his problem right there. He should be making 7 paychecks. /

It’s always the same with these guys. There is always a reason why they deserve the high paying government job or why they deserve the welfare check. But everyone else isn’t doing important work or just lazy leeches.

Well maybe he should have exercised some of that highly touted, though seemingly mythical, personal responsibility instead. Not many political jobs pay you based on the number of kids you have or how much you owe on loans. He could have chosen a better suited career, or some family planning.