
Pat Robertson doesn't know what Dominionism is after openly preaching it in the past

Orange Impostor8/26/2011 10:43:11 am PDT

So, even though Pat Robertson has had both R.J. Rushdoony and Gary North on his “700 Club” program on multiple occasions, has quoted them in his “The Secret Kingdom” book, and espouses a vast majority of their theology, he doesn’t know what Dominionism/Christian Reconstructionism is?

How about a direct quote from Robertson?

“… Gary North has appeared on Pat Robertson’s 700 Club several times .. Pat Robertson admits that he does not agree with all of Rushdoony’s and North’s beliefs, but he still allows them TV time. He confesses: ‘The Lord intends His people to exercise dominion in His name … I admire many of these (Reconstructionist) teachings … But others, I cannot accept…” Tongues, Prosperity and Godhood, by Dr. Kathy Burns (p128)

And the recommendations go both ways:
Here’s a newsletter written by Gary North espousing the importance of Pat Robertson’s “700 Club”:

I’m gonna call it as I see it. Pat Robertson is a bald-faced liar.