
Palestinians brace for repercussions over UN bid

sliv_the_eli8/02/2012 4:28:46 pm PDT

re: #1 Destro

Failed attempt on your part to sneak in a wedge issue against Obama.

Wrong in both respects, boy genius.

First, there is no effort on my part to “sneak” anything in. It’s right out there in the open. If I wanted to “sneak” it in, I would not have commented separately on the inforamtion that is alraedy in the news article.

Second, the issue and the lingering doubts about President Obama have been out there without any effort on my part. There is a reason that President Obama’s support among Jewish voters, as strong as it remains, is nevertheless significantly less than it was when he first ran for the presidency, and that has far less to do with my publicizing my concerns than it does with the President’s apparent habit of telling certain world “leaders” that if they just wait until after the election he will have more flexibiltiy in his dealings with them.