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No Malarkey!12/04/2012 6:51:06 pm PST

I blame “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”. I was watching it with the kids tonight. Its obvious liberal propaganda that has been brainwashing our children for generations to accept “misfits”: A reindeer with a “flaming” red nose; an effete elf who is one of those smart people Santorum warned us of who is too good for his blue collar manufacturing job and who runs off to live with two other men; and a charlie-in-the-box with a lisp. It also makes positive male role models look bad: Rudolph’s father who sensibly makes him hide his defect, and the reindeer coach who encourages all of the other reindeer to laugh, call the freak names and ban him from reindeer games. No wonder we have become a nation of degenerates.//