
2012 Dishonest Reporting Awards

goddamnedfrank12/23/2012 12:47:43 am PST
His article opened with the following premise:

Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank.

Levy’s entire premise was based, however, on a hypothetical situation where Israel annexes the West Bank – a policy that the majority of Israelis are opposed to according to the very same poll.

Hey Eclectic Infidel, haven’t you yourself said that Israel should annex the West Bank?

In a more perfect world, Judea and Samaria would be annexed and be made into a greater Israel. It’s their land, after all.

When questioned about what happens to the Palestinians in such a “more perfect world” you just disappear. If you’re actually advocating for annexation, what happens to them? It seems obvious from a security standpoint that Israel can’t make them full citizens with internal travel rights. Will they be able to vote in federal elections? Will their children or their children’s children? Right now the Israeli Citizenship Law forbids Palestinians and Arabs of other specific nationalities who marry Israeli citizens from becoming full citizens themselves. So if you personally are going to advocate for annexation of the West Bank, the least you can do is articulate what political future you envision for its current inhabitants.