
Overnight Video: Stardust

Eclectic Cyborg2/03/2013 9:16:30 pm PST

A page was posted a couple of days ago about the benefits of transitioning immigrants to full citizens on a shorter time frame rather than have millions of people on permanent residency status.

I wanted to offer my thoughts on that based on my own experiences as I immigrated to this country.

Currently I have a permanent Green Card. Issued last year, it is valid for ten years. So in 2022 I will have the option to renew for another 10 if I so choose.

My ultimate goal always was and remains U.S. citizenship. I am actually eligible to apply for citizenship right now. Becoming a citizen would obviously negate my need to renew any green card or do anything else related to immigration.

So why haven’t I done it yet?

The main reason is money.

I have already spent over $4000 on the immigration process. You have to pay for the initial visa application and all the elements that go along with it (such as acquiring documents, visiting doctors, etc.). Then once you arrive in this country you have to pay more money to do what is called an “Adjustment of status” to get your first green card. This first card is good for only two years. Before that time expires, you have to pay more money and file for a permanent green card, repeating many of the same steps you did for the temporary one (yes it’s true).

And, like me, once you have that permanent card in hand you’ll have to fork out even MORE money to take the citizenship test and become a bona fide American.

At the moment, I can’t really afford it. The other thing is though there’s no urgency for me to do it. My green card is good for another NINE years. I have plenty of time to save up and apply for citizenship.

Honestly, there are only a scant few things a citizen can do that a permanent resident can’t. Near as I can tell, the only things I can’t do as a resident are: Apply for a passport, participate in jury duty, work for the government/military/certain private companies, vote or run for public office.

As a permanent resident I can own property, take out loans and I believe even purchase firearms in most states.

Now you might think the need for a passport would be a significant enough that I’d be encouraged to get my citizenship soon, but I still have a Canadian passport that I can (and have) traveled on that’s good for another several years. After that point I can renew it if I wish and for much less a cost than applying for citizenship.

I know every visa is different and the experiences of every immigrant are unique but in my case, it’s the money holding me back from becoming a citizen. Sure being able to vote would be nice, but there won’t be another Federal election until 2016 anyway. I know there are regional elections and whatnot before that but I’m really not in any hurry to get to the ballot box.

Personally I think the fees charged for legal immigration are too high. I’d like to see them lowered or, at the very least, a minimal cost to go from permanent green card to U.S. Citizen. I’ve already completed over 80% of this journey. Why should I be nickel and dimed again just to finish it off?