
Kansas Community Center Killer Frazier Glenn Miller Is a Longtime Neo-Nazi

calochortus4/13/2014 8:05:59 pm PDT

Some Freepers have this all figured out:

So far, all indications are that the shooter was a Klansman, thus an obama-supporting DemonRAT. In contrast, the TEA Party and Conservatives stand for God, life and liberty.

As I wrote elsewhere, after considerable thought, I simply can’t think of a single episode of a mass murder or a political assassination carried out by anyone other than a liberal. And this incident in Kansas gets added to the long list of leftist murders.
312 posted on Sun Apr 13 19:39:50 2014 by re_nortex (DP - that’s what I like about Texas)

Of course, his memory doesn’t seem to be very good.