
A Good Piece at WaPo on the Relationship Between Michael Brown and Friend Dorian Johnson

Justanotherhuman9/01/2014 12:34:10 pm PDT

How is everyone?

And since when has it been perfectly OK for an alleged adult, people who seek to make themselves public figures and arbiters of “right and wrong” to trash a dead 18 yr old private citizen, murdered by a police officer, for having the dreams and aspirations that most young people his age have?

Michael Brown is not on trial—he didn’t do anything to deserve death, not anything even close. But he, along with millions of other young men, is coming out of his childhood with a bounty on his head because he’s a young Black male, seen as expendable, cursed, kangaroo-courted, condemned because—well, it’s the same thing, decade after decade, century after century. He existed, they exist, and some would question their very existence.

If those like Hoft had their way, they would never have a chance of being born.