
Mike Huckabee Pulls the Duggar Family's Endorsements From His Campaign Site

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/04/2015 10:36:58 am PDT

It is amazing to me how Huckabee was so quick to bash the parenting of Treyvon Martin and Michael Brown’s folks but not one word of condemnation for Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar for how they raised Josh. Oh I get it, Mike, Josh is a good fundamentalist Christian white boy son of one of your biggest supporters. Really Huckabee in a just world would see his reputation go down in flames for defending these people but instead Huckabee just scrubs their endorsement from his website like he never defended them and he never attacked the people for stating what we definitely know now and that’s Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar threw their daughters under the table to protect their son.