
The Bob & Chez Show: Bad Hombres

ObserverArt10/20/2016 5:00:46 pm PDT

Just got back to the previous thread from earlier and saw Charles had posted a tweet with a video of Trump getting pissed off and walking away from a reporter. I posted this in the last thread and wanted to post it again in this new thread.

Here is the link to the previous page and the video: Comment 186 - Yet Another Woman Goes on the Record Saying Donald Trump Sexually Assaulted Her Thread

And my comment…
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Heh. He got pissed off by a question from Colleen Marshall the main news reporter for NBC channel 4 here in Columbus. Not good. She is a lawyer too, for a long time she was a senior lawyer at Porter Wright Morris & Arthur a huge National firm. She also has her own local politics show called “The Spectrum” where she discusses local and national politics a half hour before Chucky Todd’s MTP.

I bet the chatter behind the scenes with all the people she knows politically here in Ohio’s Capital City is hot after that bit. Not good Donny…you may have pissed off even more of Ohio’s conservatives.

(I don’t know Colleen’s politics, but I do know she seems to be popular with Ohio’s power people. She maintains a pretty even stance on her politics show.)