
Overnight Wave

Jadespring12/04/2009 11:34:27 pm PST

So I have an old email address which I don’t use much anymore. It’s turned into a bit of a spam collector. One of the people that still uses it is a extreme righty who I gather is a wannabe teabagger. Part of his public service is to keep me informed of the ‘real truth’ of pretty much everything in order to correct my evil liberal tendencies so I get lots of spam. Hey did you know Obama isn’t an American and muslim? Who knew? ///
Anyways I just checked the email and there’s a whole lotta links to climategate stuff with most from Alex Jones et al. Ummm…sure.

Usually I just ignore them but I couldn’t help myself. I just sent an email back freaking out about how great Alex Jones is and how I’m so glad he’s finally found this awesome source of information and that maybe we do have some common political ground after all because hey…this Jones guy is so hip on the truth. Then I proceeded to list a whole bunch of 9/11 Truther links from his sites.

Was that mean? And what the heck is up with this weird conspiracy leftie/rightie convergence that seems to be going on in some quarters? It’s bizzare and freaking me out a little.