
When Libertarians get sick Obamacare starts to look pretty good

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/15/2010 6:02:43 pm PST

Let’s look at this quote:

My position has always been that socialism is evil, but if people want to voluntarily form groups, they should be allowed to pool their healthcare or savings together. The primary point being that no one is forced into a system.

Like all libertarians, he wants all of the benefits of the social contract but none of the responsibilities. He wants a voluntary system that people put into, but says nothing of himself putting into it. Like any good parasite who cares nothing for anyone but himself, he would be happy to have that evil socialism (not that this twit can define it) take care of him when he needs it - and go right back to whining about any other thing he had to do out of duty for his nation or his fellows.

Since he is young, we can hope that his ailment prevents him from breeding and passing on his brand of stupid, self serving, uselessness to another generation.