
Sunday Night Open

A Kiwi Infidel2/08/2009 6:49:44 pm PST

re: #147 MrPaulRevere

High-ranking (British) Foreign Office diplomat arrested over anti-Semitic tirade in the gym…Stunned staff and gym members allegedly heard him shout: ‘F**king Israelis, f**king Jews’. It is alleged he also said Israeli soldiers should be ‘wiped off the face of the earth’…..Two points to make here 1) This unstable anti-semite should never have been in a position of authority. 2) He should have been fired, not arrested. [Link:…]

Send him to Gaza. Put him in charge of a UN “humanitarian Aid” Post. Tell him to watch for “outgoings” and consequential “incomings” and best of luck dear chap.