
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

Buck2/10/2010 2:04:56 pm PST

re: #197 jamesfirecat

I’ll bare that in mind.

Further more here would be the next part of my argument.

1) Do we see any reason to suspect that this trend of increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is going to stop?

2) At what levels does it become dangerous, and I think Charles did a pretty good post on that a while back…

ANY REASON? Well, lets see. Remembering that you are only asking about Carbon Dioxide…Carbon Dioxide is present in water in the form of a dissolved gas. It is absorbed and released in water. 2/3rds of our planet is water. The other third is almost half vegetation which converts carbon dioxide and light energy into various other things.

Do I think that these sources MIGHT feed from the additional CO2 and balance the greater output? Yes.

Remember you asked if I saw ANY reason to _suspect_ it. Really very open question…

Nature has developed mechanisms to regulate itself in the past. We can only study the small scale examples, but just because we don’t understand the large scale versions, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Now please everyone, don’t downding me for making this supposition. It is only an answer to a direct question…. Not putting down anyone… not saying anything about anyones citizenship….