
Breitbart's Fans React to Facts Like Vampires to Sunlight

Gus10/16/2011 10:54:23 pm PDT

The Federal government is all screwed up. Except for the military because it’s not really the Federal #196 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

The UN is communist.

The UN is one world gubbament.

The UN hates us for our freedoms.

The UN is violent marxist racists.

Etc etc etc etc etc e_e

It’s funny because a lot of the critics keep laughing about how they never get anything done yet are always worried about how they’re going to take over the world.

So basically I ask. How can they be this allegedly weak world governing body that only writes “sternly worded” letter yet are able to “take over the world” in the next sentence?