
Excellent: Neil deGrasse Tyson Takes Flat-Earth Rapper B.o.B to School

klys (maker of Silmarils)1/30/2016 3:55:26 pm PST

On the topic of the potential Clinton ‘dynasty’ (and Happy, this isn’t aimed at you, you just reminded me that this is something of a sore spot): seriously, a woman does not automagically become a member of her husband’s family because of marriage, with no history, past, ambition, or bloodline of her own. She is not related by blood to them. She has not given up her right to do things on her own, of her own ambition. My achievements and name are not to be perpetually subsumed underneath my husband’s.

I am not mrs. “mr. klys” and while I may have given up having that argument with my grandparents (the bank will take the damn check anyway), the proper form of address would be Mr. and Dr. “mr. klys”, thank you very fucking much.

Or better yet, Dr. klys and Mr. “mr. klys”.
