
Allahpundit Spins Judge Napolitano's Defense of BP As Napolitano Appears on Alex Jones Show

iceweasel6/24/2010 9:48:49 pm PDT

re: #193 Gus 802

There plenty of people on both sides to appreciate. I lean left of center but I have to admit there have been time when I want to choke someone like Homer choking Bart. I’m sure you know of a couple of people that I’m thinking about especially when it comes to atheism. If calm is maintained or perhaps injecting some humor the next day all is well. I think when anyone becomes obsessed one way or the other that’s when things get out of hand. Especially holding grudges and not letting things go days after a flare up.

It’s a pretty big blog. It’s pretty darn easy to not interact with someone.
Unless they’re an asshole who repeatedly interacts with you. Some slurs have to be answered.