
Sarah Palin Advises Christine O'Donnell to 'Speak Through Fox News'

Gus9/19/2010 8:08:06 pm PDT

re: #197 freetoken

Reagan tried for years - finally made it.
McCain tried for years - finally got the nomination.

However, I will agree with your statement - those three you mentioned have a staleness about them. The only person I know of now that has a shot is Pawlenty. In three months we’ll see how the post election fallout affects the 2012 race.

Even if the GOP does not make the big gains their propagandists are pushing I expect the reactionary far-right to keep trying to steer the GOP as a whole.

Yep. All the way to 2012. 2011 will be relatively quiet on the Tea Party front and come back full force in 2012. The ODS will remain for obvious reasons.