
National Day of Wingnut Blogger Paranoia

Lidane6/08/2012 1:43:07 pm PDT

Conspiracy Theorist Edward Klein Concern-Trolls Hillary Clinton’s Weight

Edward Klein, the writer who makes a living alleging ugly nonsense like the idea that President Obama was born overseas, that Bill Clinton raped Hillary Clinton, and that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian, has taken it on himself to start fat-shaming the Secretary of State.

“She’ll be 69 years old. And as you know—and I don’t want to sound anti-feminist here—but she’s not looking good these days. She’s looking overweight, and she’s looking very tired,” he said on Fox News in a discussion of whether Clinton will run for president in 2016. “I think she’s going to take some time off, get back into shape. And if her health holds out—that’s a big if, of course—if her health holds out, there’s no question in my mind she and Bill—two for the price of one—will run in 2016.”