
GOP Star Rand Paul Hangs with America's Craziest Conspiracy Kook, World Yawns

Usually refered to as anyways12/11/2010 8:56:09 pm PST

re: #177

Point you at what?
Previous criticisms?

Oh, gosh, Oz, I’d have to go look through comments and I don’t care to do it.

Let me change it to: It’s my impression that you’ve been somewhat critical at times. I could be wrong, but that’s how it’s come across. However, you DO have a very blunt way of putting things, and I don’t believe it’s your intention to be insulting or critical.

Feel free to acuse me of being polite but blunt.
That I will accept, the rest, well no.

I do not believe I have ever been guilty of criticizing the USA.
I have disagreed with some posters comments, but I have never been rude.