
Glenn Greenwald and Pals Throw Matt Taibbi From the Train

Eclectic Cyborg10/30/2014 3:22:12 pm PDT

Hey VB, I definitely feel your pain (no pun intended) on the FDA.

I take Adderall for my ADD and it’s becoming so heavily restricted now it’s insane. The last time I went to pick it up, the Pharmacy Tech couldn’t find it. Eventually he figured out why: It was kept in a time locked safe he didn’t know about. Cue me having to wait even longer to get my legally prescribed medicine.

My wife also has a diganosed, incurable condition that gives her chronic pain. Fortunately she found a pain management group that would give her Percocet, but you should see the headaches she has to go through to to get it. Also, whenever she goes to the ER she frequently fights with them about pain meds. They almost always try to give her the low level stuff (Lortab) but she’s taken so many pain meds because of her condition Lortab is completely useless to her. Despite telling them this, they frequently refuse to prescribe her anything stronger.

There’s GOT to be a better way to deal with this problem.