
Overnight Open Thread

StillAMarine11/29/2009 8:08:41 am PST

It is a sad and sorry truth that global warming is a fact, despite the anti-GW crowd that points to such irrelevant points such as a flattening of the warming process over the past few years. Just because November 30 is warmer than November 29 in North Carolina does not mean that Winter will not come to the Tarheel State. Just what the proportion between human generated causes and natural causes such as the solar cycle is remains unknown, however.
It is also a sad and sorry truth that combating global warming must have all nations of the world behind the effort, and anything less than that will not suffice. For that reason alone I believe we must not bankrupt ourselves in being the only country involved in an ineffectual effort, but must do more to prepare ourselves for the inevitable.
In a previous thread PyroDoctor made the point that 90% of what needs to be done to reduce global warming should be done anyway. Reducing greenhouse gasses would also reduce our waste of natural resources, decrease air and water pollution and preserve our nonrenewable energy resources for more urgent uses than driving around in oversized motor vehicles.