
UK Parliament Will Debate Whether Trump Should Be Banned From Entering Britain

BeachDem1/07/2016 8:13:23 am PST

re: #54 freetoken

Well, here in California the Presidential race is almost irrelevant. There is no way the (R) will win California, so it’s not a thing for us to do.

In fact, I’ll be hard pressed to find anything to motivate me to vote other than the numerous ballot measures that will likely exist.

re: #56 Decatur Deb

True here in AL for the opposite reason, but we live in commuting distance of the most critical swing state. (The registration is here in AL this time, but it’s a good organizing tool for our carpetbaggers.)

I know in actual electoral college votes, it doesn’t make any difference in really red or really blue states, but I also think that the actual vote numbers/percentages do matter in terms of “mandate.” If the win (and I’m hoping/working for it to be a Democratic win) is close, we’ll hear a whole lot of “Well, she(he) only won by 2 points, so doesn’t have a whole lot of support.”

That’s why it bothers me when people who live in non-swing states say they can vote third party or not vote for a president because their votes won’t matter.