
Ready ... Set ... Now Count Those Words!

thequis10/06/2009 12:16:08 pm PDT

re: #161 Walter L. Newton





Don’t feel so alone. This is just a sample, I can find article after article suggesting just about every one of our last 10 presidents were narcissist.

WLN, you’re definitely right that they were all called Narcasistic. I’m sure all of them were. What I’m saying this is the first we’ve seen is a very short period of the presidency where a coordinated push from multiple sources that the President is a Narcissist and using it as a definite attack meme. Saying the guy who has the gumption to think he’s able to rule the free world and make life and death decisions for millions of people is a narcissist is akin to saying an Olympic Sprinter is Fast. Well Duh. You wouldn’t have the job or want it if you weren’t. Michael Jordan isn’t the greatest basketball player of all time because he was humble and thought others could do the job as well as he could. He was the greatest in part because he was an egotistical prick who KNEW that when the game was on the line he wanted the ball in his hands and he would win.