
Bill O'Reilly: Creationist

dmjboose10/09/2009 8:23:33 pm PDT

whew. When charles says “NO” you know you’ve hit a nerve. Sorry about that. I had two points in my last post.

1. This was a relatively tame interview for oreilly

2. Kids should be told what all the hubub is about intelligent design SO THAT they can be told that it isn’t science. If you ban discussion of this fact, then our kids are going to have no ability to distinguish the real thing from BS.

Side notes -

1. I’m an atheist, not even agnostic.
2. I hate the discovery institute.
3. I generally oppose anyone that mentions teaching intelligent design in schools because they really want to teach it as if it is science.
4. I wrote my original post from my phone, which was clearly a mistake. I’m on the laptop now for further discussion.