
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Walter L. Newton3/30/2009 11:48:09 am PDT

re: #182 Dianna

That’s a big “oops!”

I am familiar with most of the “scientist” mentioned in the various article above. They are all kooks, and have been haunting the science community for years (almost like Avanti).

Can you say Von Daniken? Really, take my word for it. I’m an armchair archeologist and these jerks have been ruining science on a regular basis.

The popular media, right or left, are on a feeding frenzy, leaving any journalistic integrity in the toilet.

It’s all about proving points, ratings, and most of all EGO, popularity, who’s bigger than the other, Beck, Hannity, Rush, the whole bunch of them, a race to fame and fortune, all at the expense of TRUTH.

Truth doesn’t matter to them, any of them, any more. And what happens when you throw truth into their faces like Charles does?

You get slammed, by the likes of commenters like “Mister,” or Avanti and the other jerks that drop in here and suggest that winning is the only thing that matters.

People have NO problem with lying now a days to get their ways. It doesn’t matter who they are, politician or talk show host, preacher or a patron sitting in my theatre.

I had patrons this weekend out right LIE to my face that the seats they were “saving” were for people IN THE BUILDING. Forty five minutes later, their party arrives. We have a general admission policy and you cannot save seat for non-existent people not in the theatre.

But it doesn’t matter any more. Why should a theatre patron not lie to get a better seat when people they look up to do it every day?

It’s going to hell in a hand basket.