
Video: Surf Zapping

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/25/2011 7:34:52 pm PDT

The Stepford Wife is closing in on the Bendable One:

Bachmann Neck and Neck with Romney in Iowa

Just two weeks after announcing her White House bid, Michele Bachmann is neck and neck with the early favorite for the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney, according to the first Des Moines Register Iowa Poll of the 2012 Republican presidential field.

Romney, who spent about $10 million in Iowa in his 2008 campaign only to come in second, received support from 23 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers, the newspaper reported late Saturday. Bachmann, who will officially launch her campaign in Iowa on Monday, is statistically tied at 22 percent. Herman Cain came in third place with 10 percent.
