
Baghdad Sean Spicer: Trump Won't Withdraw His Spurious "Wiretap" Charge Until It's Disproved

Blind Frog Belly White3/07/2017 3:16:20 pm PST

re: #204 Targetpractice

And as one Fark headline points out, Chaffetz’s iPhone remark makes total sense from a party that thinks young bucks drive to the store in their Cadillac and buy lobster and steak with foodstamps. They see the problem not as millions of Americans simply having no money to afford healthcare, but that millions of Americans are “wasting” money on frivolous things like smartphones when their entire disposable income should go to paying health insurance premiums. If you’ve got money to buy even a second-hand iPhone, then you’ve got money to pay their buddies at Anthem.

It really suggests they see America as very much two-tiered. Either you’re well enough off that health insurance isn’t a problem, or you’re poor and sucking on the government teat. If you’re the latter, there’s no limit to the degradation that should be visited on you, because you’re not a good person - otherwise you’d be rich.