
France Says "Non!" to the Far Right, Overwhelmingly Rejects Marine Le Pen for Emmanuel Macron

Yeah Sure WhatEVs5/07/2017 2:16:35 pm PDT

re: #175 KGxvi

I feel like we may be looking at a generational shift away from Boomers and towards GenX and Mellinialls. Canada’s PM is in his 40s, France has a president in his 30s. I wonder if we are going see a trend like this continue in the next couple of years around the world (the US could definitely use some new blood)

I’m at the tail end of the Boomers. “We”, collectively, screwed that pooch to death. We need new blood. Most of “the kids” I see are pretty cool but every generation has its assholes. I think it’ll take whatever is after Millennials - if then when - to heal what ails US.