
Video: Cheney Supports Gay Marriage

Last Mohican6/01/2009 9:45:46 pm PDT

re: #197 Cato the Elder

Excuse me, but Cheney does not say he’s “for gay marriage” in this clip. He says he’s for letting the states figure it out for themselves. Which mean he’s cool with any state that chooses the other option, too.

He’s neither for it nor against it. Classic equivocation.

Excuse me, but here’s what Cheney said:

Freedom means freedom for everyone.

I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish. Any kind of arrangement they wish.

I don’t have any problem with that. I think people oughtta get a shot at that.

That would be “for it.” Although he did say that states should be allowed to agree or disagree with his position when making law.