
Overnight Short Animation With Poetry: Common Room

GunstarGreen4/04/2014 8:45:34 am PDT

re: #206 Dark_Falcon

And a black man who hit a white boy would have been at risk of being beaten to a pulp or killed at the hands of a white mob if one was to hand. It’s cross-racial violence with race being a key factor, but its certainly not something exclusive to black people. Yeesh! (That last was directed at the hater, not at you ma’am.)

Black kid plays his music too loud, white man shoots him dead and attempts to murder everyone else in the vehicle: STAND YUR GROWNED!!1!1!!11!!

White man runs over black kid with truck, black people beat him up: FILTHY SAVERGES!!1!11!!1!!

Hmm. I’m sensing a pattern here…