
Hitchens on Palin: 'A Disgraceful Opportunist and Real Moral Coward'

SixDegrees12/15/2009 3:01:39 pm PST

re: #190 LudwigVanQuixote

Every last one of you little denialists - and in particular you six

Fuck off, asshole. I’ve never denied anything, and if you would turn off your rage and hate for a few seconds at a time you might have noticed that. In fact, I’ve been extremely careful not to profess a preference for either side on this issue because both sides are populated with alarming number of flaming, overwrought twits like yourself. My complaints have been centered on the massive departures from science committed by both sides, especially by you. And to comment where my expertise lies, in computer science, both to point out that, for example, the CRU code is some of the sloppiest, most unprofessional code I’ve ever seen and that their data management practices could be improved by a 12 year old, AND to note that those who claim that a particular snipped of source code is proof of fraud are talking out their ass. I remain the only poster here who has produced a reasonable, innocent explanation of that particular code fragment, too.

Shove your sanctimony up your ass, where you keep the rest of your science.