
Breaking News: American Al Qaeda Operative Adam Gadahn Arrested in Pakistan

avanti3/07/2010 11:42:25 am PST

re: #189 iceweasel

Oh yes.
In fact, if I had to predict the wingnut spin, it would be this:

1) what avanti said about “oh this is all because of the great groundwork by Bush, thank you Bush!”
2) Obama doesn’t get any credit, it was all our military. (temporary amnesia about CiC, etc)
3) Demands that we torture Gadahn regardless of how much info we already have.
4) (and this is the big one) Concern trolling about criminal trials, Miranda warnings, constitutional rights, — subtext being that Obama, Holder and the DOJ are somehow being ‘soft’ or ‘weak’ on terror and maybe— who knows? Al-Q sympathisers!!!11!

“Is it irresponsible to speculate?— it would be irresponsible not to!”

4. Is big on Hot Air. Holder flying over to read him his rights, a slap on the hand then a media tour according to some posts