
Overnight Open Thread

Killgore Trout2/29/2012 7:18:16 am PST

re: #189 ggt

Strange poll —no?

If one’s country is directly attacked and in imminent danger of being attacked again, one has to ask permission of the UN to defend it?

Maybe the Syrians, Libyans. Egyptians, and Iranians should ask permission before they rise up and take their countries back from the dictators. With Russia and China with permanent veto power on the Security council there’s no chance they’d be granted permission. The UN Human Rights Council is loaded with the worst abusers from Saudi Arabia, MAuritania, and Q’Daffy’s Lybia.
What a perverse concept to have a body where dictators are allowed to vote on world affairs while oppressing their own populations at home. The UN is a joke.