
Ken Silverstein's Tell-All Piece on First Look Media: Where Journalism Goes to Die

Reality Based Steve2/27/2015 5:03:59 pm PST

re: #205 ObserverArt

This whole First Look Media/Intercept story is amusing.

If I think back when all that was being announced, a great many Green Footballers were saying this exact sort of outcome would happen. I remember comments about all those eogs and strong cowboy personalities under the guide of the Mighty Greenwald would never work out.

Funny how a group of people on the outside can figure it out just judging on what we read of their work and about themsleves. And thenn all the talent and money right there inside have no clue to the eventual problems of something as basic as working together and professionally.

I guess all that ego/personality and money can be blinding.

“Where so damn good, how could we be any less than great?”

That type thinking was their first mistake.

Sometimes a team of All Stars isn’t a team…