
Wednesday Night Funk: The FEARLESS FLYERS, "Barbara"

Targetpractice3/29/2018 9:12:23 am PDT

re: #202 HappyWarrior

They’re fine with tyranny as long as they’re the ones doing the tyrannizing. Their problem with Communist regimes isn’t that they were tyrannical, it’s that communist regimes would have gone after people like them. The difference between a liberal and conservative, even a more “moderate minded one” is the former is able to empathize with others totally different than him, the latter either can’t or won’t even attempt to do so and I see it all the time with conservative pundits, politicians, and people that I know.

They love authoritarianism when they’re the ones calling the shots. Wingnuts love a strongman because it cuts out all that messiness involved in representative democracy about everybody having equal representation and votes being taken. It’s why they’re not raising a fuss over efforts to institute an unconstitutional line-item veto, something they contested all the way to the Supreme Court until Clinton, because they want Trump to have the power to get his preferred spending items without Democrats having any say in the process.