
Gingrich Says It's a 'Purge,' Malkin Says 'Stone the Left Wing Saboteurs!'

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/27/2009 2:00:30 pm PDT

To which I sat, go ahead, Michelle. G-d speed. “Purge” the GOP of all reasonable elements. That will ensure that iditots like you are out of any real power for the next 50 years.

And BTW… Good riddance.

The sane Republicans, those who actually care about personal freedoms (and that understand that includes freedom from religious dogma and government spying without warrants) and those who actually care about things like fiscal responsibility (not just spending that Dems do, when their own pork is worse) will create a new party, or join with the Blue Dogs leaving shrill little harpies like you to hang out with the racist white hood wearing goons, black helicopter witnesses, hypocritical bible thumping theocons and other nut jobs.

You can even continue to call your party, once purged, the GOP.

The rest of America, educated people and those who are not crazy will give you all the respect you deserve.

So please please do purge the party.

With the psycho element holding the party ransom, too many of their crazy ideas gain disproportionate weight in America. You guys will solve the problem for us thinking types for us.

Please purge away!