
Glenn Beck: Obama's Going to Murder Tea Partiers and Ron Paul Supporters

Kefirah7/19/2010 8:10:27 pm PDT

re: #197 LudwigVanQuixote


baseless hatred, yes. but eicha is about the destruction and, more importantly, the echoing silence afterward.

may we find our voices [and quickly] - especially in the face of such vehement, vociferous snakeoil salesmen. they’d sell hate on the streets for $5 if they could bottle it up.

instead they’ll just poison the airwaves, and listening minds along with them.

frankly, glenn beck reminds me of heath ledger’s joker in the dark knight. he draws the paranoid, the schizophrenic, the unbalanced to him - and then blows them up to further his own schemes.