
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

palomino3/06/2011 10:38:26 pm PST

re: #205 freetoken

At the university from which I got my BS, none of the other physics majors were preparing for teaching, as far as I can remember.

In mathematics (my second major), which had more majors in the department than physics had in theirs, there were a few who were preparing for secondary education. However, the math department had a long running special program to promote that path.

Pre-collegiate teaching us just not an attractive career to enter for most people who are interested in the more academic fields.

Maybe the HS I attended was unusual, but all the science and math teachers had degrees in the subjects they taught.

Also, so what if their degrees are less rigorous than nuclear physics? So is accounting, marketing, hotel mgmt, whatever.