
Push to Lower Legal Limit for Drunk Drivers Stirs Debate

Rightwingconspirator9/02/2013 9:04:53 pm PDT

re: #4 bratwurst

First of all, MADD has nothing to do with this and is not even taking a position.

I got curious because I thought I remembered MADD backing this some time ago. But I was wrong. They oppose it.

MADD Founder: Don’t Lower the Legal BAC Limit
Candace Lightner says criminalizing .05 BAC level would be ‘a waste of time’

Advocates can be opaque in motive. Setting that aside a moment. This convinces me we just don’t need to-

“Under the current law, you’re guilty if you provide a sample of over .08 or higher, but you’re still guilty if you’re impaired at a lower level,” Talpins pointed out, meaning that the lower limit would only affect people below .08 who do not appear impaired.