
Colbert: Son of a Deuce! Pres. Biden Is Giving Zero Malarkeys; Also, Is Tucker in the Bag for Russia?

Hecuba's daughter1/26/2022 11:28:13 am PST

re: #8 A Mom Anon

I would love to see Michelle Obama on the court, but I am also mostly tethered to reality. No one has asked her if she even wants the job. If I were her I would bow out, because you and I know what the hell will happen if she’s Biden’s pick.

Republicans will do whatever they can to fuck this process up. Drag their feet, kiss Manchin and Sinema’s ass and promise them shit, get on tv and trash the fuck out of the nominee, use arcane rules to try to disqualify by whatever means they can. McConnell is the biggest problem here, I’m not sure how the process works enough to know what can be done to stop his bullshit.

It’s a liberal replacing a liberal; McConnell will likely not care about this. OTOH if Thomas and/or Alito depart for whatever reason, McConnell will fight to the death to stop a Biden appointment. Of course, if something happened and McConnell became Majority Leader, I could see him not allowing any vote for the remainder of Biden’s term, even if SCOTUS were down to 6 members.